Monday, February 16, 2009

Convex Hull Like You've Never Seen It!

As alluded to in my last post, I am trying to get a simple little GUI program running in Ocmal. Modulo the ever-annoying X11 issues and some problem using records defined in another module, it's going pretty well. I'm going to post the program and source really soon (not that it's terribly interesting), but here's a screenshot to whet your appetite. This interactive program allows you to place points, and then the convex hull of those points will be computed:

Convex Hull Program


  1. could curious parties see the source?

  2. Absolutely. I'll send you the source when I get home tonight, with the caveat that I will be cool-ifying the program in the next couple of days, so I may change some things around.

  3. the program in the next couple of days, so I may change some things around.

    oh but of course. I was just pleasantly surprised that I already had installed ocaml on my machine and that the graphics library worked even in crazy cygwin world, and wouldn't mind seeing a little program that actually did something.
