Thursday, August 31, 2006

Going Back, Back, Back to School

This is a little late for my first posting of the new semester, but I do feel it necessary to celebrate the new school year blog style. A few notes:

  • Today was my first advisor meeting of the semester. It went relatively well.

  • I am trying to fool my body into thinking that the semester hasn't started yet by going out every night of the week, and by going on a camping trip this weekend.

  • Likewise, I have been watching TV at night, something I did during the summer but never before during the school year.

  • I have a new office mate.

  • Taffy is delicious.

In other news, I watched the 40-year-old Virgin again this week (I finally bought it). Last night I was stumbling around wikipedia and I discovered that there is actually a name for the whole Will Ferell/Vince Vaughn/Ben Stiller comedy cabal. They are known as the 'Frat Pack.'

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