Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Happy MG

Don't you ever wonder? Why do they call the wheel on the side of the paper towl despenser the "emergency feed?" Is it ever really an emergency, just because you don't have access to paper towels? I propose they call it, the wheel you use on a regular basis because a lot of people don't pull down with two hands.

In other news, today is Mardi Gras. It doesn't really mean a whole lot when you're outside of New Orleans, and I don't feel like I have to go out and party tonight or anything, but it is nice to know that all of my friends are having a ridiculous amount of fun right now (or at least did up until today, since Mardi Gras day is never actually that fun).

Finally, this Friday (like every Friday) is Formal Friday here at CMU. Formal Friday is a creation of . This Friday, I will be suiting up, so won't you do the same?

Finally Finally, listen to Tom7's new Album-a-day, Exile on Atari St. It's pretty good. Highlights include, the first two songs and the one about sugar pills.


  1. We should have Mardi Gras sledding next year :P.

  2. Yeah seriously. Yesterday was really fun, but a hurricane or two could have made it even better.

  3. Sleds + hurricane + crawfish + drinks in plastic carry cups = instant classic
