Friday, October 19, 2007

OOPSLA: Pre-Hype Edition

As you may have heard by now, I'm headed to Montreal tomorrow for this year's OOSPLA conference. I am pretty excited. I'm going as a student volunteer, and plan to see and do a lot. I thought I'd put up a list of talks, tutorials and keynotes that I'm planning on seeing or think I should see.

Here's the run-down:

Tutorials: Tutorials are usually hands-on sessions about a particular technology; they teach you how to actually go about using all these fancy tools that come up in the technical talks, and usually consist of a bunch of demos.
Keynotes: Keynote speakers are usually pretty well established in the field, and get to talk about whatever they want. This is usually either some kind of retrospective ("back in my day, we only had 128k of main memory!") or free-form talks on the speaker's most recent interest, which may or may not be of publication quality. These are often the most entertaining talks of any conference, but the lowest on technical content.
Technical Talks: Actual presentations of research papers, these talks constitute the primary purpose of the conference.
What about you? Going to OOPSLA? What are you excited about seeing? Don't care at all?

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