Turned out I needed to do three things...
- Add -Djava.library.path= as a VM argument, giving it there folders where both the SDL DLLs and the sdljava DLLs were located.
- Add System.loadLibrary("XXX") for each of the required DLLs into the code itself. This is difficult because it's kind of hard to figure out which DLLs are required! I used this tool to figure it out.
- Lastly, the biggest problem was that I needed a DLL that I didn't have, SDL_image.dll. The tutorial I was using needed it, but I guess it didn't say or I didn't see where I needed to download it separately. You can get it here.
I had the same problem and fix t easily using http://fix4dll.com/msvcr100_dll just find the file you need and add it into system 32 folder on your device. Good luck.