Saturday, June 16, 2007

Adventures in Moving

While I still don't have the Internet at my apartment (hence the two week flickr hiatus) today we were moved into a new apartment on a temporary basis, and apparently Tuesday we will be moved into what should be our final apartment for the rest of the summer. The apartment will be back in my original neighbor, putting me back in walking distance and removing my dependence on others for on-time work arrival. Excellent.

Tomorrow we are going to a little place called Mysore, which should be a fun day trip (6:30 am departure and 9pm return). I can't say much about it except there's supposedly an excellent palace to see, a great view from the top of a mountain, and it's not the sort of place you need to spend more than a day in. Good to hear.

Also, we've finally gotten into the habbit of going to bars on a semi-regular basis. This behavior is habitiual for me back home, but due to my poor knowledge of the local bar scene and (up until now) a lack of willing bar-partners, this natural behavior had been put on hiatus. Thursday night we went to a quiz night at Opus, a swank lounge sort of place within walking distance of work. It was great as the "tricky-ness" of many of the questions was fact they were about American pop-culture; our forté. However, we still managed to do pretty poorly and skipped out before the whole thing was over. Still, I plan to make it a regular part of my repertoire since I have the feeling we could dominate one week (unlike, say, at Brillobox trivia). Conincdentally, the same bar has karaoke on Wednesday nights! I don't really sense there are too many others here who are quite as interested in karaoke (besides of course) but at the very least we are going on my birthday, which I have figured out is a Wednesday. Singing is a requirement!

Let's see, I've been reading a lot recently, one of my favorite summer-time activities, and so as soon as I get the Internets back I will post three or so new reviews.

That's it for now. I'm working on a Saturday for the first time since I've gotten here, but we have a July 1st implementation deadline that I want to make sure we meet...


  1. Thanks! That means my birthday is a Wednesday as well.
    Hope you are having fun!


  2. dood! We should make Wednesday international awesome karaoke day!

    Eagerly awaiting Guy Fantastic's debut,

